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verify rht-support has no url path- Correctly trim spaces before values with augeas - Prevent creating of customer case without reproducing knowledge - Rely on configurated email - Change URL in config for bug-report server - Fix segfaulting abrt-cli - Related #1422030, #1328768, #1323625, #1463316, #1421754- Avoid infinite crash loops - Related: #1324586- Rebuild because of failed rpmdiff - Related: #1261398- Add pkg_vendor, reproducer and reproducible to description - Attach all dump dir's element to a new case - Change libreport-version to - Resolves: #1261398- Attach URL of uploaded problem data to uReport - Resolves: #1300777- Change reporting workflow to enhance the quality of opened customer cases - Limit the description section for ABRT reported cases - Resolves: #1258474, #1261398- Make function uid_in_group() public - Bugzilla private bugs - Resolves: #1279454, #803769- Enable configuration of SSH keys in report-upload - Resolves: #1261120- Correct augeas configuration parser - Resolves: #1262246- save all files changed by the reporter in the reporting GUI - Fixes CVE-2015-5302 - Resolves: #1282144- switch ownership of new directories from "abrt:user" to "user:abrt" - fix a bug allowing libreport to read files outside dump directories - Related: #1212095- resolve symbolic and hard link vulnerabilities - defend against directory traversal attack - Resolves: #1212095- Upstream uReport with Strata integration - Resolves: #1152222- Rebuild due to translation updates - Resolves: #989530, #997871, #1090466, #1093375- Bugzilla: pass Bugzilla_token in all XML RPC calls - mailx: improve notification e-mail headers - mailx: include hostane in notification e-mail - Resolves: #989530, #997871, #1090466, #1093375- updated transaltion (ko) rhbz#993626 - fixed bugzilla reporter to work with the new xmlrpc api rhbz#991088 - Resolves: #991088, #993626- rebuild because of failed rpmdiff - Related: #993626- updated translation rhbz#993626 - fixed bugs doscovered by coverity rhbz#905051 - Resolves: #993626, #905051- ABRT won't install debuginfos from rhn repository rhbz#759443 - Brewtap reports LibMissingRELRO rhbz#812283 - libreport attached sosreport into bugzilla with bad mimetype rhbz#885509 - reporter-rhtsupport on RHEL6.4 unable to open cases in RHT customer center rhbz#896090 - Change default set of reporters shown by CLI/GUI rhbz#948286 - [RFE] add the console notification to RHEL6 rhbz#961231 - Resolves: #885509, #812283, #961231, #961231, #961231, #948286, #759443, #896090, #875260- rebuilding beacause of failed rpmdiff - no changes - Related: #895443- in same cases we have to follow symlinks - Related: #895443- don't follow symlinks - Resolves: #895443- fixed relro flags - removed confusing warning message - added versioned requirements to silence rpmdiff - Resolved: #847291, #812283, #857425- removed reporter-bugzilla from config file re-added by mistake - Related: #815339- updated translation rhbz#864025 - fixed brewtap warnings rhbz#812283 - silence few rpmdiff warnings rhbz#857425 - Resolves: #864025, #812283, #857425- don't show the user credentials in logs rhbz#856960 - Resolves: #856960- use the default template for bz reports rhbz#747410 - fix adding users to CC in bugzilla rhbz#841338 - Resolves: #747410, #841338- don't warn about daemon connection when deleting a problem rhbz#799909 - ignore non problem dirs when cleaning old problems rhbz#847291 - Resolves: #799909, #847291- opt kernel out of showing smolt information in abrt bug reports. rhbz#795548 - ABRT mailx plugin on by default causes crashes being always labelled as reported rhbz#803618 - pkg-config --cflags libreport includs -fPIC rhbz#803736 - Coverity revealed memory leaks and possibly other issues rhbz#809416 - GLib warnings by report-gtk when crash dir does not exist rhbz#813283 - `report' tool requires current working directory to be a crash dir rhbz#817051 - Searching for duplicate anaconda bugs while reporting exception against partner-bugzilla during install fails rhbz#820985 - Undefined non-weak symbols rhbz#826745 - ABRT has wrong URL in dialog Resolves: #809416,#813283,#817051,#826745,#820985,#795548,#803618,#803736- rebuild due to rpmdiff - Resolves: #823411- fixed compatibility with bugzilla 4.2 - Resolves: #823411- added notify-only option to mailx rhbz#803618 - Resolves: #803618- minor fix in debuginfo downloader - updated translations - Related: #759377- new upstream release - fixed typos in man - fixed handling of anaconda-tb file - generate valid xml file - Resolves: #759377, #758366, #746727- fixed i18n initialization - Resolves: #749148- rebuild, some translations were not propagated to xml files - Resolves: #731037- updated translations - Resolves: #731037- minor spec file fix - Resolves: #743198- minor fix to the search kbase - Resolves: #743198- fix the kbase searching rhbz#743198 - updated translation Related: #731037 - Resolves: #743198 #731037- fix the spec file changelog - Resolves: #742474- abrt-cli uses wrong return codes - Resolves: #742474- reaply the man pages patch - Resolves: #728190- bumped release - Resolves: #731037- updated translation rhbz#731037 - search kbase before creating the ticket rhbz#743198 - Resolves: #731037 #743198- man pages contain suspicious version string Resolves: #728190- disabled bugzilla rhbz#739936 - own /etc/libreport/plugins/ rhbz#744782 - removed unused patches to make rpmdiff happy - updated translation - Resolves: #739936 #744782- make wizard page titles translatable - updated transaltion - Resolves: #734789 #731037- fixed make check rhbz#729686 - fixed attaching anaconda-tb* rhbz#731389 - Resolves: #729686 #731389- Missing man pages of report and report.conf Resolves: #729957 - Update translations Resolves: #731037- Fix report-cli crash if config files are missing. Resolves: #730942 - Pull in libreport-plugin-reportuploader on update (fixes a problem with "yum update" on RHEL system with old report package. Resolves: #732683- Added two patches (libreport-code-was-moved-to-abrt.git, libreport-fix-d-delete-option) from upstream making report-cli -d/--delete to remove DUMP_DIR after reporting. First patch also removes --list and --info and --full options, which were already moved to abrt-cli. Resolves: #726097 - Added fallback text editor for editing multiline fields in Anaconda Resolves: #728479- added the report cmdline tool rhbz#725660 - fixed man pages version rhbz#728190 - fixed text wrapping rhbz#728132 - improved dump_dir detection rhbz#728166 - fixed reporting from Anaconda newt ui rhbz#729566 - added defualt config file for rhtsupport rhbz#729566 - make reporters use default conf when -c is not used rhbz#729986 - Resolves: #725660 #728190 #728132 #728166 #729566 #729986- further improvement in Anaconda compatibility rhbz#727243 - warn silently when keyring is not available rhbz#725858 - Resolves: #727243 #725858- improved compatibility with bugzilla - enabled bugzilla for libreport reports (analyzer=libreport) - Resolves: #725857- removed mailx from possible reporter list (still enabled as post-create event) - added python bindings to libreport client lib - honor reporters minimal rating - fixed (null) in bz summary - Related: #714045- move reporter plugins from abrt to libreport - fixed provides/obsolete to properly obsolete report package - wizard: make more fields editable - Related: #697494- added the python bindings -> obsoleting report- bump release- removed Provides/Obsoletes: report-gtk - Resolves: #715373- new upstream release - cleaned some header files- added report-cli - updated translation- initial packaging/bin/sh/bin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `' ! 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